Okay, I figured I was getting extremely bored with the fully verifiable targets, to the point the resistance to do them has become a miss-sequence. So, I will switch up my practice from fully verifiable to newspieces that have some questions open. Today I picked from my target envelope pile the following target: The first…



The target was a biological. The verifiable aspects of the data are correct, the rest of the data (showing what looks like meztic people in a remote smaller settlement in a hilly area, engaged in simply mundane tasks as cammunal trade, labour and living) is ruled as highly PC based on the biological’s own public…



The target was the last Merry Christmas (1860) of Queen Victoria. I am not sure what they were drinking back in the Victorian era for Christmas parties, but it sure would knock anyone out today. As soon as I started the session with the coordinates, I got extremely dizzy. Like freefalling style dizzy. Then laid…



Okay, I would not say this was a great session, but it has the most important specifics of the target (with data suggesting that the western speculations about the target site might be correct). The target was a suspicious facility. My data was very specific about a hole/pit in the ground coated with what looks…



Socotra Island. Nice place actually. I would wanna go there, based on my session. My entry point to the target was a very unique looking yellow-black bird sitting on what looked like a tree-trunk surrounded by weird looking trees. So I googled. They have these yellow-black weird vultures there called Egyptian vultures. They also have…



There is a place in Petrozavodsk, in the Karelia region of Russia where a group of proud artisans formed a company called Varyag Boatbuilders, where creating hand-made boats is all they do. They handmake ancient ships. I guess I like those, this target was easy to find.



Misawa, Japan’s Annual City Parade. A yearly celebration taking place in a busy urban environment, involving a procession of people, colours, signs and mascots. Good session overall.



Rebuilding the Keshwa Chaca Suspension Bridge in Peru. I had asian looking biologicals wearing weird hats squatting on the ground with piles of raw material and tubular manmades of hay-like/straw-like natural material in front of them. I got that they were engaged in bee at a land-water interface, a meeting for communal work, doing something…