Tesla and his apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy – the case of the mysterious Pierce-Arrow
For those interested in a multimedia approach, below is the project introduction and the chat with the viewers:
Without a doubt Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest experimenters in the field of electricity. With his inventions of the alternating and polyphase current Tesla has become famous around the world. Tesla was not much interested in the world of business, he rather continued experimenting for many years after his success with the alternating current systems, even when his experimental capabilities have been restricted by his always tight funds. In his second part of life Tesla has elaborated and realized experiments which have not been reconstructed until these days. For instance, in 1931 Nikola Tesla announced in The Brooklyn Eagle that:
“I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. Cosmic ray investigation is a subject that is very close to me. I was the first to discover these rays and I naturally feel toward them as I would toward my own flesh and blood. I have advanced a theory of the cosmic rays and at every step of my investigations I have found it completely justified. The attractive features of the Cosmic rays is their constancy. They shower down on us throughout the whole 24 hours, and if a plant is developed to use their power it will not require devices for storing energy as would be necessary with devices using wind, tide or sunlight. All of my investigations seem to point to the conclusion that they are small particles, each carrying so small a charge that we are justified in calling them neutrons. They move with great velocity, exceeding that of light.
More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic rays and I can now state that I have succeeded in operating a motive device by means of them. I will tell you in the most general way. The cosmic ray ionizes the air, setting free many charges—ions and electrons. These charges are captured in a condenser which is made to discharge through the circuit of the motor. I have hopes of building my motor on a large scale, but circumstances have not been favorable to carrying out my plan. I do not use the plan involving the conductivity of the upper strata of the air, but I use the conductivity of the earth itself, and in this I need no wires to send electrical energy to any part of the globe.”
There is a lot of talk today about free energy and in this context also about Nikola Tesla. Allegedly somewhere around 1930-1931 he had converted an American car (a Pierce Arrow) so that it ran without a combustion engine but was moved by an electric motor. However, it was not powered by a simple battery, like today’s electric vehicles, but by free energy. This means an energy that is harnessed from the ether, an energy that is unlimitedly available anywhere in the world. In many discussions on this topic, doubts are repeatedly expressed as to whether this is even possible, because since Tesla’s own claims, no one has been able to make this technology usable in a credible, clearly verifiable and, above all, reproducible manner.
A typewritten memorandum has been circulating on the internet, which supposedly comes from a reputable, credible contemporary witness. This contemporary witness is Heinrich Jebens, the founder of the “German Inventor House”. According to the memo, Heinrich Jebens went to America in December 1930 and met Nikola Tesla. He rode with him from Buffalo to the Niagara Falls in a Pierce Arrow equipped with a free energy propulsion device.
The memorandum translates as such:
On November 8th, 1930, I traveled with the express steamer “New York” from Cuxhaven to America. In a very heavy north-west storm, I only met three 1st class passengers for dinner on November 12, 1930. As a former naval officer, it was no problem for me, while almost all the other passengers were seasick in their bunks. At dinner, Petar Savo, who was previously an air officer in the Austrian-Serbian army, introduced himself. After I told him about my upcoming visit to the great inventor Thomas Alva Edison, he pricked up his ears and insisted on having a conversation with his uncle Nikola Tesla. Along with Edison, he is one of America’s greatest inventors. We then exchanged our USA addresses.
After visiting Edison’s laboratory in Orange, I received a message from Nikola Tesla. We met at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. There Mr. Tesla suggested that we drive to Buffalo the next day, where he, as director of the German Inventor House, would like to show me, in strict secrecy, his work in progress, which is powered by aether energy according to one of his earlier patents.
The next morning, Mr. Tesla brought an elongated suitcase with him. He mentioned that this is the “key to success” which he wants to show me today. The car was in a hall on the outskirts of Buffalo, where a mechanic was waiting for us, it was a “Pierce Arrow” passenger car from which the gasoline engine and the tank had been removed. A brushless alternating current coil motor was mounted on the coupling housing by means of a traverse; a small battery was used to supply the lighting, headlights, and horn. The mechanic removed a converter from the case, which was permanently installed on the passenger side. A cable ran to this and was connected to an antenna-like pole at the rear of the car. Another cable went through the floor to a sanding pad, and a 1/4-inch-thick cable was routed from the converter via a foot switch in front of the driver’s seat and from there to the electric motor. Another cable ran back from the motor to the converter.
While Mr. Tesla showed me the car and explained it, the mechanic made the car ready for a test drive. This became possible within half an hour, I sat in the back seat, Mr. Tesla took a seat in the front passenger seat, where he operated two levers protruding from the converter, then you could clearly hear the engine running. “Now we have energy,” said Mr. Tesla. He hired the mechanic to take a trip to Niagara Falls. I noticed that the engine wasn’t responding properly to the accelerator. The car always drove at a very high speed. In response to my question, Mr. Tesla said that this was not yet finished. It would take some time.
After we arrived at the Niagara Falls, the mechanic had to wait about an hour because Mr. Tesla wanted to show me the new turbo power plant, which was built according to his ideas. This was very impressive. Then we drove back to the hall with the “Pierce-Arrow”. The driving characteristics were the same again. The car drove as if with invisible force. The mechanic had to remove the converter again and put it back in the case, whereby Mr. Tesla mentioned that the time for this technology was not yet ripe. Petrol was plentiful and cost less than the equivalent of 15 pfennigs per liter.
Personally, I got the impression that with this development, Mr. Tesla is entering an area without which one will no longer be able to cope in the foreseeable future, since the world’s oil reserves appear limited and will be used up over time. In a lively conversation with Mr. Tesla, I learned more details that the basic idea for this car comes from one of his earlier patents, in which he converted the correctly recognized etheric energy of electromagnetic waves into electrical voltage, which is present everywhere on earth. All stars are controlled by it.
According to his explanation, it is not that difficult to tap into this power and use it after changing it through a converter, from which there is unspeakable amounts of energy. It just has to be chosen the right path that he does not want to talk about yet. He only mentioned that this converter emits so much energy that it could also supply an entire house with electricity. The people of our earth can never use up this energy. It is very cheap because it costs practically nothing. But at the moment the oil companies are not behind it, not yet using this newly found energy in order to be able to take advantage of the oil business for the time being. Mr. Tesla didn’t think the time was ripe to bring this new motor drive to market. However, in a number of years this will become inevitable.
After our return to New York, we talked about numerous patent issues and developments until midnight, with Mr. Tesla saying that Edison, as a new honorary member of the German Inventor House, has a very special position. However, with his alternating current invention, Mr. Tesla far surpassed Edison’s remarkable successes. But he did not always make the right decisions about his patents before doing a lot of work. The long conversation with Mr. Tesla, longer than the one with Edison, had inspired me a lot in my further considerations. We said goodbye with the assurance that we would continue our conversation on his next trip to America. Mr. Tesla looked neat and very elegant. What seemed a bit strange to a European, however, he did not shake hands in greeting.
Before we dive in the sessions themselves, here I take the opportunity to share some of the findings of my very mundane research with regards to the alleged story. First, when background checking the technology, I investigated the US patents to see if Mr. Tesla had any patents with regards to the utilization of cosmic-etheric energies. He did have two patents in this field. Patent no. US685957A on the Apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy and patent no. US685958A on the Method of utilizing radiant energy was granted to Mr. Tesla on the 5th of November 1901.
Then I checked on Ancestry.com if I can find Mr. Jebens on the arriving passenger and crew lists of the SS New York, as he claims in his memorandum. His name was found on the passenger list of SS New York, arriving to the New York port on the 15th of November and staying for 2 months. Luckily, the passenger list included some descriptions of his appearance as well (he was 34 years old at the time, 5 feet 9 inches tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, with a fair complexion) which came in handy in terms of verifying viewer data later. I also managed to find a typewritten document, supposedly sent from Thomas Alva Edison to Mr. Heinrich Jebens, in which he confirms an in-person interview to be taken place in November 1930, also validating the content of the memorandum.
I also found official U.S. Navy documentation verifying that the Peter Savo whom Heinz Jebens was referencing was a real and existing person, who was born in Knin (then Yugoslavia, now Croatia) on the 19th of June 1895 and who served as AM3e in the Navy after his arrival to the United States.
So, with the fundamentals of the Heinrich Jebens story checking out, I was curious to see if remote viewers can substantiate the content of the memorandum or will remote viewing data suggest the story is a fabrication. My assumption as a tasker was that if there was a Pierce Arrow in existence that was powered by Tesla’s cosmic energy apparatus as stated by Mr. Jebens, then remote viewing sessions carried out targeting the car would yield in data describing a manmade vehicle of some sort, and remote viewing sessions carried out targeting Tesla’s patent and remote viewing sessions carried out targeting the power source of the Pierce-Arrow car would yield very similar data points. I was also curious to know where Tesla has gotten his idea from with regards to his patent, so the project encompassed 4 targets overall:
- one targeting the vehicle
- one targeting the power source of the vehicle
- one targeting the apparatus described in Tesla’s patent no. US685957A
- one targeting the source of inspiration for the patent
Let’s dive into the session results!
The first target was tasked under TRN 8429-2321 and was cued as follows: Move to the optimum position in space-time to accurately perceive and describe the manmade Heinz Jebens and Nikola Tesla rode together on in 1931, Buffalo.
I assumed that if the content of the memorandum written by Heinrich (Heinz) Jebens with regards to his trip from Buffalo to the Niagara Falls and back was true, remote viewing sessions would yield data indicating:
- two (or including the chauffeur-mechanic three) male biologicals engaged in an activity of traveling, transportation, driving
- physical descriptors of a site that can be traced back to the Buffalo- Niagara Falls geographical area
- and most importantly (given this is the main focus of the first target cue) accounts of a vehicle-like manmade, with descriptions fitting that of a 1930 model Pierce-Arrow depicted below:
In his session on target 8429-2321 Chris gets descriptors such as wavy, moving, shaking, lineup, blowing, watery, muddy, papery, deteriorated, mushy, destroyed, discarded, old, and craft. His visual impressions include an underwater scene with what looks like seaweed and a locker box.
Chris has old and craft, and his locker box drawing can be interpreted as an analytically overlayed drawing of the nosepiece of the Pierce-Arrow car, but the data overall is inconclusive.
In his session on target 8429 2321 Don relays data points such as swooping, enthusiasm, landmark, traveled, resting, reaching a goal, intuition, planning, methodology, fun exuberance, oscillating, accelerating, unprecedented growth, rocky, pebbly, indented, indigenous, out in the open, landscape, brown, gritty, dirty, valley-like, sandstone, high rising cliff walls, people gathered, inspecting, looking at something, target having to do something with the past, explorers-researchers wearing khaki clothing and wide brimmed hat.
So in Don’s session we have the descriptors of biologicals traveling, accelerating out in the open, and drawings of clothing correctly depicting the fashion style of the 1930’s era.
The site descriptors (gritty, dirty, valley-like, sand-stone, high rising cliff walls) can also be matched to the destination of Mr. Tesla and Mr. Jebens’ trip, the Niagara Falls.
Don also picks upon a recurring pattern that pops up in several viewers’ sessions, which he puts down as glyphs, engravings, cave paintings and describes as angular, representational, inspired. This is similar to Tesla’s own rendering of an electro-magnetic motor, which was part of his patent no. 416195 patented in 1889, two years prior to his patent on the apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy. Given one of the project targets was the power source of the Pierce-Arrow car, the possibility is there, that Don was picking up on data here with regards to that subtask, indicating that the motor might have been electro-magnetic in nature, not powered by fossil fuels.
His matrix data includes descriptors, such as old, ancient, manmade, representational, intuitive, grey, red, white, cool, cave-like, paint, rough, course, rock, dirt, pebbles, people, sun, strips, artistic, abstract, inquisitive, careful, analytical and concepts such as research, legend, giving birth to (something), archeology, history. His AOL-s at this point are out of this world, extra-terrestrial, demon, desert area.
Overall, Don’s session on the first target contained most of the expected elements, he described biologicals engaged in traveling, he described a landscape that can be traced back to the Niagara Falls, and he also provided a rendering that shows close resemblance to an electromagnetic motor. However, the lack of strong data points on the Pierce-Arrow car itself also hint his session is non-conclusive with regards to whether there was a Pierce-Arrow car as described in the memorandum of Mr. Jebens.
In her session on target 8429-2321, Jemma declares biological as her main gestalt. Her first impressions include descriptors such as dry, hard, rocky, cracked, bumpy, rough, arid, raised, creviced, indented, yellow, golden, beige, earthy-natural colors, and outside smells, a rather cold and bit fluctuating temperature, a sense of drifting away, being wiped away and swaying. Her impression of the target is a sense of big changes, an event that is inevitable, part of the natural course of things. She then picks up on two biologicals moving toward a raised structure with echoing and dripping sounds around.
She also describes impressions of standing in a cool, desolate environment, with a dark grey, gloomy sky above, and a feeling that the weather is dangerous or extreme in some way. In her next impression she draws the land beneath her feet splitting, breaking apart, drifting away.
In his memorandum Mr. Jebens stresses that he and Mr Tesla spent about an hour at the Niagara Falls, because Tesla wanted to show him the turbo power plant (Tesla-Westinghouse Niagara Falls Power Plant), which was built according to Tesla’s ideas and plans. It is my current evaluation that in her session Jemma might have been picking up on a temporal attractor at the target site, namely the vast landslides occurring at Niagara Falls on the 5th of February 1931. Given she had two biologicals appearing in her session as expected, and she also had correct descriptors of the Niagara Falls as the destination of Mr. Tesla and Mr. Jebens’ journey, her displacement might be due to the high energetics of the landslides acting as a temporal attractor, but also can be an indication that the key component of the target (the Pierce-Arrow car) was never present to begin with, hence the drift-off.
/Here is a link to a video if you would like to see footage of the event /
In his session on target 8429-2321 John (Adams) declares motion as his main gestalt and notes down descriptors such as warm, moving, decipherable, grey, thrown, across, range, middle, through, bypass, white, gray, light, angle, through threshold, winding. He then picks up energy bands and an orb-like energy ball, which he draws as shown below.
His next descriptors and key data points are memory cells, touch, angle, light, energies, stretching out, bright light, silhouetted hands. His AI at this point is a sense of a good feeling related to this target, his impression is that the target has to do with energies science does not fully understand yet. “Energy emitted from a grid, square or flat surface. Like a flame but energy” It is tested, emitted and pathways-like.
He continues to describe the impressions he has as if being in darkness with only that energy, the darkness resembling the vacuum of space, similar to being in a dream. He describes the energy as used, directed, intelligent or organic, used for creation, creative. His AOL-s are Light induction and plasma with a S7 “A step in the right direction”.
It appears that John was mainly focusing on the conceptual, scientific aspect of the target, giving us plenty of descriptions of what Tesla called radiant energy and the ether. In physics, aether theories (also known as ether theories) propose the existence of a medium, a space-filling substance or field as a transmission medium for the propagation of electromagnetic or gravitational forces. Nikola Tesla called this the luminous ether, and he said: “Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.” Tesla was a big proponent of the ether theory, and starting from 1894, he conducted several experiments investigating what he referred to as radiant energy of the “invisible” kind” (later identified by science as Roentgen rays or X-Rays). John’s drawing of a bright light and a silhouetted hand is an uncanny depiction of an X-ray Tesla took of his own hand in March 1896. This datapoint is especially revealing, since Tesla’s X-Ray tube was part of his method for utilizing radiant energy as patented under patent no. 685958.
In his session on target 8429-2321 John (Dixon) declares biological, energy and land as his main gestalts. His first descriptors are hard, shaky, long, quiet, flowy, round, yellowish, grayish, bubbly, round, flat, tongue-like texture and shape with an AOL of a submarine and the following depiction:
He continues to describe the target as right across, flowy, dense, strong, quiet, manipulative, square, long, hook-like, with AOL-s knife, dagger, needle. (The type of the supposed car was Pierce-Arrow).
In his stage 4 matrix John lists descriptors such as black, cylindrical, dividing, speckled, mounted, metallic, jumping, driving, quiet, focusing, a feeling of sickness in his stomach (could be motion sickness?), directive motion, concepts such as profit, capitalism, industry and missile as AOL.
In his stage 5 the main attribute emanations are long, pointy, riveted, spikey, squishy, persistent, long, triangular, deficiency of proper care, spout, the main subject emanations are round, apex, learning, utensils, space-management, force-management, the main topic emanations are motion, apex-learning, benefits and satisfaction, war, weapons, science. In his summary he describes an object that is long, sharp, rounded, piercing, cylindrical, metallic, and has a purpose of special motion. Among all the sessions done on target 8429-2321, this is the closest description we get that can be matched to a Pierce-Arrow. He describes a long riveted metallic vehicle with rounded and cylindrical aspects, and has AOL-s such as knife, dagger, and needle, alluding to the model of the car.
He then moves on to describe the energy component of the target as distracting, appealing like moth to flame. He also draws a structure (noting this impression might be AOL) that is an erect, metallic pointed structure for the distribution of energy.
In a revealing press interview published in Modern Mechanics and Inventions, July 1934, Tesla stated: “I have disintegrated atoms in my experiments with a high potential vacuum tube I brought out in 1896 which I consider one of my best inventions. I have operated it with pressures ranging from 4,000,000 to 18,000,000 volts. More recently, I have designed an apparatus for 50,000,000 volts which should produce many results of great scientific importance. But as to atomic energy, my experimental observations have shown that the process of disintegration is not accompanied by a liberation of such energy as might be expected from the present theories. And as for the cosmic ray: I called attention to this radiation while investigating Roentgen rays and radioactivity. In 1899 I erected a broadcasting plant at Colorado Springs, the first and only wireless plant in existence at that time, and there confirmed my theory by actual observation.” The Wardenclyffe tower was part of Tesla’s investigation into and experimentation with the ether, the cosmic rays and the utilization of radiant energy.
In her session on target 8429-2321, Lily starts off her session with describing pungent, chemical smells, static like radio sounds, low impact sounds like solid hitting solid, metallic texture. She describes the target scene as outdoors, with structures near water and the feeling of an aircraft present. She describes a structure that is brown, concave, smooth, scratchy on the inside, with raised part to it. She then goes on to draw an aerial sketch with a murky, soft green, reflective quiet water body and a brownish angular long structure with archways. Her depictions bears visual resemblance to the Tesla-Westinghouse Power Plant Mr. Jebens and Tesla supposedly visited, according to the memorandum written by Mr. Jebens.
She also describes a large, cylindrical, tall, beige/brown, light blue or light grey, grooved structure with bronze or copper elements and a plastic or metallic feeling texture. Although we have speculated this might also be the description of the Wardenclyffe tower, the visual dissimilarities prompted me to future research what landmark the structure might represent. Based on the descriptions and drawings, it is much more likely that the large, cylindrical, tall, light blue or light grey, grooved structure with bronze or copper elements represents the Buffalo Main Lighthouse which fits all descriptors and shows great visual resemblance to the drawing as well. In essence Lily identified by landmarks the two endpoints of the supposed trip, Buffalo and the Niagara Falls.
Returning to describing the scene, she continues with emphasizing fishy, pungent and synthetic smells, flowing water sounds and helicopter sounds. She picks upon a wiry, net-like pattern, plant-life in the vicinity of the target, a tall, modern-looking structure, and a rounded, white structure with a hollow part in the middle and a tongue-like protrusion.
She describes the target site as a city-like surrounding, with multiple structures, bustling with activity, with multiple, busy subjects, some pushing vessels like wagons and carts, and three important biologicals, one younger with dark hair, one wearing a beret, and a third one seen as wearing a headcover like kafiya.
On her OC data page she lists data such as fishy smell, chemical smell, staticky and impact sounds, metal, water, structure, landscape, outdoors, natural formations, city-like environment, vessels, blue, grey, green, white, brown, passageway, perimeter, concave, gated, compound, helicopter-like sounds, multiple subjects occupied with something, hard, angular, tall, large, modern structure, a shiny, cylindrical, green-blue, bronzy/copper hued smooth, elongated, segmented, gravitational, mechanical manmade. From session data we can conclude that Lily described important landmarks of the supposed tour (both identifying the Niagara Power Plant and Buffalo) and also had three biologicals as expected. However, the lack of strong data points on the Pierce-Arrow car itself also hint her session is non-conclusive with regards to whether there was a Pierce-Arrow car as described in the memorandum of Mr. Jebens.
In his sessions on target 8429-2321 Patrick declares biologicals, energetics, and manmade as main gestalts. His sensory data includes perceptions of green, hazy, dim, luminescent, bright, glowing, open, outside, light, transparent, something curving, round, manmade, dark, shiny, polished, sheen, hard, angular, boxy, edgy, solid, metallic, radiant, green hazy, luminescent, radioactive. He then picks up on a feeling of charged atmosphere with an esoteric high strangeness feel. He describes the main biological component of the target as striding, moving, walking upright, male, skinny, long, tall, and slender with idea of a male wearing a fedora hat in a 1940/50s style. He describes the surrounding as a natural setting, with foliage, foresty environs, irregular, bumpy, gritty, and rough, with flat parts. His prominent AOLs are coffin or casket, ET craft, and radio wave transmission.
Patrick does describe biologicals, and his main biological is portrayed as male, skinny, tall and slender, wearing a fedora hat in a 1940/50’s style. Tesla is believed to have been 6 feet 2 inches (or 188 cm) tall but weighed only 142 pounds. In 1931 he celebrated his 75th birthday, and as the pictures below demonstrate, he was a lean, slender tall figure even at that age. Accounts of his contemporaries indicate that he also had a very particular sense of style and aesthetics, and believed that to be successful, one needed to look successful. He prided himself on being a “dapper dresser” which -as the photos below prove- remained true till his final days. Patrick’s dating (1940/50’s style) of the target events is an eerily close approximation too.
His elaboration on a feeling of charged atmosphere with an esoteric high strangeness feel, and his energetic descriptors (luminescent, bright, glowing, light, transparent, radiant, green hazy, luminescent, radioactive) shows that just like John (Adams), he also was perceiving a connection between the target and Tesla’s concepts on cosmic rays and radiant energy. Moreover, he also has a manmade that he describes as dark, shiny, polished, sheen, hard, angular, boxy, edgy, solid, and metallic, with AOL-s casket and ET craft. While these AOL-s might sound odd at first, when we unwrap some of the meaning tucked away in those AOLs with a mini p5 tool (Yaaay!), we can see the coffin is a long, polished, sheen, hollow boxy object with rounded and rectangular features and one or more doors. The cars built in the 1930’s did look significantly different from the cars we are used to now, so it is reasonable to assume a viewer door knobbing on a vintage car would pull a coffin AOL out of his analytic pool. The ET craft AOL also bears significance, once, for it clearly states the object is a transportation vehicle, second that it incorporates a technology unfamiliar to our current human understanding.
At this point, all viewer data corresponds to one aspect of the target or another, but overall, only two sessions have strong data points on the existence of the alleged Pierce-Arrow car itself. Let’s see if the second target brings more clarification on the question at hand.
The second target was tasked under TRN 8429-2322 and was cued as follows: Move to the optimum position in space-time to accurately perceive and describe the main energy source system of the manmade Heinz Jebens and Nikola Tesla rode together on in Buffalo.
I assumed that if the content of the memorandum written by Heinrich (Heinz) Jebens with regards to his trip from Buffalo to the Niagara Falls and back was true, remote viewing sessions on the second target would yield data indicating:
- manmade and motion-energy as primary gestalts
- accounts and sketches of a manmade, with descriptions fitting either a 366 cu. in. L-head inline eight-cylinder gasoline engine (the engine used in the 1930 Pierce-Arrow models) in case the car was a causal 1930 Piece-Arrow model, or brushless alternating current coil engine, a battery box, and an antenna-like pole in case the car was truly retrofitted with Tesla’s apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy as Mr. Jebens stated in his memorandum.
In his session on target 8429-2322 Chris declares a manmade and two biological gestalts. His descriptors include hard, blocky, red, sealed, walled, artificial light, housed inside, AOL metal box, warm, but not hot, impractical, and irritating.
He then goes on to describe a swirling liquid or gassy substance, which he notes down as lighter than oxygen, and he also marks as being or having a minor health risk.
Although no sound or smell sensories available to check (a traditional motor is expected to have sound descriptors such as rumbling, noisy, engine-sound and smell descriptors such as chemical, exhaust-like, bitter, smokey, stinky) it seems from the drawings and descriptors that he was picking up the insides of a traditional combustion engine. The liquid gas swirling could indicate gasoline, the round tubular shape appearing twice might indicate the engine cylinder, and the small artificial light can be likened to the electric spark that ignites the oxygen-gasoline mixture to pump the piston.
In his session on target 8429-2322, Don declares energetics and manmade as gestalts. His descriptions include an unusual energy with a “from far-to-near” dimensional aspect, energy that is travelling, oscillating, directed, descending, darting around, and interacting with a base surface. His drawing is similar to the commonly used Wi-Fi signal.
He describes the energy as being under intelligent control, premeditated, directed toward a manmade structure, and a rough-sandy base surface with striations in it. His impressions of the manmade structure are that it is round, metallic, shiny, confined, pointed upward, tall, cylindrical, aimed, complex and involving electronics. He picks up horn-tooting, talking and motor sounds. The predominant impressions on the surroundings are dark, shadowy, and artificially lit, with a focused, scientific ambience. Next, he picks up a manmade structure located below base surface level, on a hilly, dense, descending surface. The structure appears to consist of cylindrical, tubular elements, channels with closeable hatches, teeming with human biologicals engaged in some scientific activity.
In his summary, he states that the session presented multiple aspects, one was a traveling energy that was moving from far to near, directed toward structures and had both wave-like and visual properties, the other was a base surface, and structures constructed both above and below surface level, the third were structure with cave-like (horizontal) and smaller tube like (vertical) orientations, appearing to be extensive in size, interconnected and compartmentalized. The main biologicals located at target site appeared to have been chatting, using technical jargon, demonstrated scientific, organizational, and military attributes, and appeared to be a mix of human and non-human subjects in cooperation.
Overall, Don’s session on target 8429-2322 yielded the expected manmade and energetic gestalts, his drawings, and descriptors with regards to the energetics and the manmade show more correlation with the radiant energy source and the retrofitted electromotor with battery-box and antenna scenario, and his descriptions of the biologicals present as chatting, using technical jargon, demonstrating scientific, organizational attributes certainly fit Mr. Jebens and Mr. Tesla, given Mr. Jebens himself was the chairman of the German Inventor House in Hamburg at the time.
In her session for target 8429-2322 Jemma declares a natural structure as her first gestalt and goes on to describe aspects of the target as rigid, hard, dry, dusty, arid, brown, huge, blocky, gigantic, bumpy, damp, wet, with natural outside and water smells and tastes. The major sound impressions she picks upon are trickling, dripping water sounds, echo, some rustling, and commotion sounds. Temperature wise, she feels the site is rather cold, frozen, icy. The target site she describes as a valley-like natural setting, with peaks, and a feel of unsafety, hazard.
Like in her session on the previous target, she again picks up a sensation of crumbling, of falling apart, a landscape in decline. Her aesthetic impacts include ideas of navigation, exploration, mapping. She also draws a big manmade structure that she picked up at target site, which she later described as engineering formations.
As with the session on target 8429-2321, my suspicion is that Jemma here might have been picking up on another temporal attractor at the Niagara Falls site. Given her description and depiction of a rocky mountainous terrain and a blocky structure that looks like a dam and bears resemblance to the Schoellkopf Power Plant, my assumption at this point is, that her session is describing the Schoellkopf Power Station disaster of 1956.
/Here is a link to view the video footage /
In his session on target 8429-2322 John (Adams) declares a natural landscape as his main gestalt. After listing descriptors such as stone-like, rocky, windy, rusty, he picks up on bubble like small shapes clustered close together. He then goes on to declare “There is a fleeting sense of electricity or lightning”. His next impressions are something white, tall, large. When probing target, he gets descriptors such as stretchy, flexy and gel-like. He then picks up a boxy metal structure described as a container or temporary vessel.
His next impressions describe something bright, floating and glowing, outdoors, in a nature-like setting with tall trees and a valley. He then picks upon something interwoven in a cross-hatch pattern. He also picks up a subject present whom he describes as a leader-type, a curator, and excited, and also has impressions of a lab related to the target. He notes down concepts such as grid-like, transference, flow, and terminal. He also draws what he describes as a source of light.
Next, he describes a process that is futuristic, methodical, resonant, heat inducing, precise, reminding him of laser lines and like the process of etching with electricity. He also has impressions that the process or technology is a complex application, rare, has several components and that somehow government related, refused and discarded. Next, he draws and describes an angular object that looks brown or golden with the AOL stolen.
He moves to describe the energetics present too, which he describes as linear, simple with AOL-s such as hyper-core, hyper-drive. It seems from the drawings and descriptors that he was picking up a metal box that was connected to light-energetics, so he also indicates the car energy-source system was retrofitted as Mr. Jebens stated.
In his session on target 8429-2322 John (Dixon) declares motion-energy as his main gestalt, and AOL-s it as stored kinetic energy. His next gestalt is a structure, which he describes as rugged, pointy, tall, zigzagged, curved. His next descriptors are oblique, black, glossy, rounded triangular, rectangular, square, blobby looking, glossy, smooth, metallic, rumbly, and rigid. Interestingly, he mentions perceiving smoke, and an oxygen-poor air quality to target also. His site drawing is very similar to the drawings of Jemma, showing mountain peaks and valleys and the outlines of embedded manmade elements.
In his stage 4 matrix, he lists impressions such as tour-guide-like, science, explanatory, discovery, mystery, Indiana Jones. His last drawing for the target shows a manmade structure as well:
John’s session has both the manmade and the energetic gestalts as expected, but in his case the descriptors and drawings would be a closer match to the traditional 366 cu. in. L-head inline eight-cylinder gasoline engine, especially that his session contains the mention of smoke and the feeling of airlessness, signaling a combustion engine.
In his sessions for target 8429 – 2322, Patrick first starts with motion-energy and manmade as main target components. Sensory data includes impressions of blue, white, soft, open, outside, natural, airy with a cool temperature, a raised, elevation, expanse. The target site is described as hazy, blue, and white, dim, feel of up on height, a mountain top with lots of space/air around. The manmade feels angular, boxy, very grey, dim, smooth, horizontal, square, longer in length than width, flat, smooth but matte finish, with markings like glyphs on it. He likens it to a tunnel or passageway, a corridor, which reminds him of an underground base such as that at Mt Hayes. He then proceeds to pick up a luminescent, wispy energetics with a green pulsing, translucent glow, radiating outwards, having a vapor-like, misty, transparent texture and a very exotic, ominous, ET feel to it, almost like the Aurora Borealis glow. He describes the energetics as contained, morphing, like a blueprint, with an edginess to its wavy pattern, and a phasing effect. He evaluates that the energy feels hot, active, stationary. His descriptions are also judged to be a closer match to the traditional 366 cu. in. L-head inline eight-cylinder gasoline engine, especially that he mentions pulsing, translucent glow, radiating outwards, having a vapor-like, misty, transparent texture (air-gasoline mix). As the image below taken from a slow-motion video of a gasoline ignition in a transparent cylinder shows, the gasoline has an aurora-like greenish tinge in its liquid state, and glows up like the sun when the vaporized gasoline-air mixture is ignited.
Once again, all viewer data corresponds to one aspect of the target or another, but overall, only two sessions have strong data points indicating the car was retrofitted as told by Mr. Jebens in his memorandum, while three sessions indicate a traditional gasoline engine.
The third target was tasked under TRN 8429-2323 and was cued as “Move to the optimum position in space-time to accurately perceive and describe the main operating principles of the apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy patented by Nikola Tesla under patent no. US685957A” This target was used to provide a benchmark in case high-strangeness data appears in one or more sessions conducted on the second target.
I assumed that remote viewing sessions on this third target would yield data indicating:
- manmade and motion-energy as primary gestalts
- accounts and sketches of a manmade, with descriptions fitting the patent sketches of the apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy, as shown in a 3D model below:
In his session on target 8429-2323 Chris declares a biological, an energetic and a manmade gestalt. His descriptors include, leveled, dialed, locking or locked, metallic, hard, with impressions of some liquid flowing. In his summary he writes his impression of the target was that it “is mechanical, and aged tool or device that is no longer operational”. His drawings bear great visual resemblance to figure 2 of the patent document in terms of the shapes of the apparatus.
In his session on target 8429-2323, Don declares a land gestalt, his most striking initial s7-like impressions are cycles, measuring devices, air quality, limited access, and lights mounted on moving vehicles. He then moves on to describe impressions of artificial lighting, movement, the attire of biologicals that he analytically concludes to be military personnel, the sounds of vehicles moving around, in a hard, gritty, rocky, cemented, spacious but compartmentalized, enclosed area that he likens to an underground structure or facility like Mt Cheyenne, with a complete city feel.
His detail impressions include moving vehicles, separate rooms and offices, an industrial area with mechanical stuff, structural or electrical engineers, labs, lasers, an arc welding type of activity in progression.
Then he moves on to describe a medical related area with medical and exposure monitoring, microscopes, tables, visual displays, and a team of people working with x-ray projected imagery on the walls. He then moves on to a more esoteric feeling area which he describes as “Light propulsion area”, which is more transportation related, with people gathering or grouping, boarding on a train-like vehicle. Lastly, he describes an area that he likens to a research center, a library with a collection of documents, archives. In his summary he notes that the target session presented multiple aspects of one huge industrial/business complex. with the notion of traveling and arriving at a location (starting point), passing through Restricted Access gates (military presence) and descending into it, entering a large, busy Common Area having a completely enclosed feel (AOL cave or tunnel network). The most prominent features of the target were groups of people walking, talking, motorized vehicles, both gas and electric powered zipping by with headlights ON, equipment and people being moved around, busy feel, a sense of military coordination but with scientific, engineering and maintenance focus. The structure comprised of a series of white walled rooms (AOL Administration Area / offices), a high-speed internal transit system (horizontal) having multiple “stops” (i.e., overall huge area) and steps/elevators (vertical levels, i.e., multi-level). He estimates the structure encompassed a huge spatial footprint and felt like a city with military oversight.
“After Nikola Tesla was found dead in January 1943 in his hotel room in New York City, representatives of the U.S. government’s Office of Alien Property seized many documents relating to the brilliant and prolific 86-year-old inventor’s work. Three weeks after Tesla’s death, an electrical engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was tasked with evaluating his papers to determine whether they contained “any ideas of significant value.” According to the declassified files, Dr. John G. Trump reported that his analysis showed Tesla’s efforts to be “primarily of a speculative, philosophical and promotional character” and said the papers did “not include new sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.” In 1952, after a U.S. court declared Kosanovic the rightful heir to his uncle’s estate, Tesla’s files and other materials were sent to Belgrade, Serbia, where they now reside in the Nikola Tesla Museum. But while the FBI originally recorded some 80 trunks among Tesla’s effects, only 60 arrived in Belgrade. Despite John G. Trump’s dismissive assessment of Tesla’s ideas immediately after his death, the military did try and incorporate particle-beam weaponry in the decades following World War II, Seifer says. Notably, the inspiration of the “Death Ray” fueled Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars” program, in the 1980s. There is evidence that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s vice president, Henry Wallace, discussed “the effects of TESLA, particularly those dealing with the wireless transmission of electrical energy and the ‘death ray’” with his advisors, according to FBI documents released in 2016. Along the same lines, Seifer and his colleagues in The Tesla Files uncovered the role played by Vannevar Bush, whom FDR appointed as head of the Manhattan Project, in the evaluation of Tesla’s papers.” – The Mystery of Nikola Tesla’s Missing Files by Sarah Pruitt.
Could Don’s session on target 3 be showing us that, as part of the Tesla estate confiscated by the U.S. government’s Office of Alien Property in 1943, the patent on the apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy might have made it into an R&D phase somewhere in a secret US military compound? His descriptions certainly indicate so.
In her session on target 8429-2323, Jemma declares structure as her main gestalt, which she describes as hard, solid, indented, segmented, yellow, orange, glowing, dark blue or indigo, with smokey smells, salty, metallic, unclean, chemical taste, revving machinery or engine sound, which she AOL-s a vehicle. She has a perception of a forward movement along a bumpy, up-and-down road and notes that there seems to be wave like energetics involved. She proceeds to describe the structure as warm, almost hot, long, curved, heavy and notes that it generates heat and can get dangerously hot. As her Aesthetic impacts, she lists navigation, ingenious, invention, expedition, knowledge, data collection, and advancing civilization. She adds that she feels something is being collected or gathered, with a stage 7 type impression of a quote: “force to be reckoned with”. Her drawings show pointy metallic structures, opening and closing like gates.
She then goes on to sketch a cuboid, metal-sheet structure, a tall, towering structure and adds the notion of something being measured and plotted or graphed. She also gathers impressions of beeping sounds and the ideas of science, technology. resources and funding.
She picks upon several studious people, engaged in learning and research, thoroughly checking something. She also notes a recurring visual sketched as:
She also sketches an umbrella shaped structure, which she notes is associated with energetics or frequencies somehow, that are pulsating and connected to velocity.
Some of her drawings allude to a ratchet wheel, a circuit-controller acting as a gate, and what looks like a capacitor, matching the description of the apparatus provided by Tesla in the patent. And her picking up on several studious people, engaged in learning and research, thoroughly checking something also suggests that the apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy might have made it into an R&D phase in a scientific research laboratory setting.
In his session on target 8429-2323, John (Adams) declares motion as his main gestalt for the target, which he describes as circular, angled, red, with the sense of a related object that is round, flattish, grey and lavender, wheel-shaped with a raised center.
He also reports energetics that feels gaseous, turbulent, swirling, building up, and a radiant, prism-like energy. He then goes on to describe grey, green and blue objects that look like oval discs of opalescent shell material, and steel panels, “collectors”, that remind him of electrical panels.
He also describes a grid-like layout and a raised platform, where an action or energy-transfer is taking place. He draws a bronze oval shape and a tube like apparatus with electric controls as well:
He then picks up a city skyline with angled structures and plasma energetics, that he draws as if lightning bolts were penetrating a grounds surface, later adding conceptuals such as spectrum analysis, spectrum energetics, electro-magnetism, flux, and “Tesla-type energies”. He notes down eerie, strange feelings, a sense of weightlessness and things flowing slowly, which is probably his subconscious trying to relay the concept of “ether”. As to the purpose of the target, he gets information such as magnets, magnetometer, enabler, wave-mechanics and pulsing, radiant, bright light.
Well, that is a session that speaks for itself, I surely vote 8 martinis for this one. He draws and describes the capacitor, the collector plates, the ratchet wheel, the electrode filaments in a tube and names Tesla. To have a real appreciation of how accurate his data is, I suggest you view this video where the workings of the apparatus are explained in detail.
In his session on target 8429-2323, John (Dixon) declares mountain-land, motion-energy, and biological as main gestalts. His stage 2 descriptors include, white, speckled, green, hook-like, round, blocky, numerical, chemical, round, sulphury, with a loud, thud-like scraping noise, metallic surface, shaky, bumpy, rumbly, caped, flashing, black, white, light, spherical, round, smooth, glassy, fickly, pungent, round, horizontal, figurative.
He AOLs the drawing as Nimetz. His stage 4 matrix contains data such as black, shiny, figurative, mystery, ripple, rumbling, shaking, numbers, numerology, greenish flow, directive, positioning, in motion, calculations, quantum entanglement, Earth and space.
His moving inside the structure yields the following drawing which he later describes as a grouping of metallic structures, rounds, square, quite, circular, hollow, ticking, with object and topic emanations such as light, electricity, beacons, lightning and light-bulb-like, capacitors. His last prominent drawing shows a round, glossy, beaded, cylindrical object connected to an outer surface and beams.
John’s data well describes both Tesla’s theory that energy can be collected from the space around us (or as he called it from the ether), but also the describes and lists major components of the apparatus as designed by Tesla, with a very eloquent drawing of a ratchet wheel as well.
The last target was tasked out of pure curiosity. I wanted to know if it is possible to gather any intelligible data on where Tesla got his idea for the apparatus from, so under the TRN 8429-2324 I tasked the following: Move to the optimum position in space-time to accurately perceive and describe how Nikola Tesla got his inspiration for his invention, the apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy patented by Nikola Tesla under patent no. US685957A.
Although the fourth target is not verifiable, we have some information on how Tesla worked on his inventions. In an interview with M. K. Wisehart, published in the American Magazine of April 1921, Tesla described it as follows:
“During my boyhood I had suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, which were often accompanied by strong flashes of light. When a word was spoken, the image of the object designated would present itself so vividly to my vision that I could not tell whether what I saw was real or not… Even though I reached out and passed my hand through it, the image would remain fixed in space. In trying to free myself from these tormenting appearances, I tried to concentrate my thoughts on some peaceful, quieting scene I had witnessed. This would give me momentary relief; but when I had done it two or three times the remedy would begin to lose its force.
Then I began to take mental excursions beyond the small world of my actual knowledge. Day and night, in imagination, I went on journeys — saw new places, cities, countries, and all the time I tried hard to make these imaginary things very sharp and clear in my mind. I imagined myself living in countries I had never seen, and I made imaginary friends, who were very dear to me and really seemed alive. This I did constantly until I was seventeen, when my thoughts turned seriously to invention. Then to my delight, I found I could visualize with the greatest facility. I needed no models, drawings, or experiments. I could picture them all in my mind . . .
By that faculty of visualizing, which I learned in my boyish efforts to rid myself of annoying images, I have evolved what is, I believe, a new method of materializing inventive ideas and conceptions. It is a method which may be of great usefulness to any imaginative man, whether he is an inventor, businessman or artist. Some people, the moment they have a device to construct or any piece of work to perform, rush at it without adequate preparation, and immediately become engrossed in details, instead of the central idea. They may get results, but they sacrifice quality.
Here in brief, is my own method: after experiencing a desire to invent a particular thing, I may go on for months or years with the idea in the back of my head. Whenever I feel like it, I roam around in my imagination and think about the problem without any deliberate concentration. This is a period of incubation. Then follows a period of direct effort. I carefully choose the possible solutions of the problem I am considering, and gradually center my mind on a narrowed field of investigation.
Now, when I am deliberately thinking of the problem in its specific features, I may begin to feel that I am going to get the solution. And the wonderful thing is, that if I do feel this way, then I know I have really solved the problem and shall get what I am after. The feeling is as convincing to me as though I already had solved it. I have concluded that at this stage the actual solution is in my mind subconsciously though it may be a long time before I am aware of it consciously. Before I put a sketch on paper, the whole idea is worked out mentally.
In my mind I change the construction, make improvements, and even operate the device. Without ever having drawn a sketch I can give the measurements of all parts to workmen, and when completed all these parts will fit, just as certainly as though I had made the actual drawings. It is immaterial to me whether I run my machine in my mind or test it in my shop. The inventions I have conceived in this way have always worked. In thirty years, there has not been a single exception. My first electric motor, the vacuum tube wireless light, my turbine engine and many other devices have all been developed in exactly this way.”
In 1926 he gave an interview which stated:
“When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do his will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.”
In short, for his inventions it appears Tesla used a plethora of avenues, such as his mental imaginative faculties, as well as the exploration of alternate realms, letting his subconscious incubate and solve problems at hand as well as occasionally by glimpsing into the future. Given the non-verifiable nature of the last target, no analysis on them will be done on those sessions, the summaries will however be published on an as-is basis. So, let’s see what remote viewing sessions capture with regards to this target!
In his session on target 8429-2324 Chris declares space, biological and energy as the main gestalts. His impressions are active, hot, heated, deteriorating, rocky, hard, sifting and threshold.
His drawings show a canal-like formation with offshoots to either side and a tunnel like shape with small particle looking blobs accelerating parallelly in a downward motion. After retaking the coordinates, he continues to describe something tightly compacted and ready to burst, at the brink of explosion, a rocky surface, and heat rising accompanied by a drawing of what appear to be lava tubes.
In her session on target 8429-2324 Jemma declares land(scape) and biologicals as main gestalts. Her descriptors include data such as dry, cracked, layered, rocky, bumpy, sedimented, jagged, grooved, softish, beige, light yellow, black and terracotta, with dusty and dry smells, natural, salty and clear water tastes, birds chirping and water dripping. She reports a sense of being lowered down, a search taking place and a protective peaky structure. She senses ghost-like biologicals at target site. She also reports a rather destructive event taking place.
In his session on target 8429-2323, John (Dixon) has structure as his main gestalt. He describes something streamy, curvy, transparent, smooth, blank, ticking like time, telephone sound-like sound waves, a membrane which is like a tele-community-service. He draws what he labels as a genius-platform, with unseen energies, connections (and misconnections), open space and bubbly micro-formulas. His cryptic stage 7 impression is “Mal-disk-hardware Chronos chronics”
He then moves on to draw a combined energy cloud, a signal of some sort, energy connections and a group of people.
His follow-up descriptions include data such as memory, auto-nostalgic, scriptive, philanthropic, astral sequence, DNA looping, contracts, limited beliefs, data, database, scattering, spreading, developing, trading information. His summary states target is a) a thought created by man alone, an accidental transfusion of interpreted data b) a structure that is an autonomous device that withdraws then commutes data into an organization of adept trained officials of assigned roles of order, relays information to some sort of technological outpost or discovery, lab, university or research center and c) an energy that is digitized, mental, whispers-like, within our grasp, light codes as data.
In her session on target 8429-2324 Lily describes a large, tall, brown, segmented cylindrical structure, an angular and boxy structure that feels like a vessel and a dome shaped white and bronze colored structure.
She then goes on to describe a subject (spaceman) dressed in a protective puffy clothing, descending down via a rope or a ladder and interacting with another structure, some of her prominent descriptors are descent, project, salvation, correspondence, contact, connection, gateway, mission.
The domed or umbrella like structure she drew earlier returns, she feels it is thin, collapsible, temporary, with functions of collection and floatation.
She again gets an impression of a male subject in a spacesuit. After blending with the subject, to the question [What is my role here?] she notes down the answer: “To conduct an experiment and prove theories. I am going above and beyond. “
One cannot unsee the uncanny resemblance of Lily’s drawings to the Apollo Moon mission images.
Has Tesla gotten his inspiration for the invention from peaking into the future of humanity?
In his session for target 8429 – 2324 Patrick declares biologicals, land, and a curving unknown as ideograms. His sensory perceptions include blue, white colors, an airy outside, wide open space, cool, fresh, air, soft light above, wide, natural, and a floaty, motion, downwards, with a manmade. He describes an elevated position with lots of space around and a grey (with a blue tinge), angular, boxy, bright, metallic manmade that feels hollow and elevated. He describes a rising land, high up, mountain-like that has irregular in parts, with lots of space around, an airy cool and fresh. He feels the site is quiet and remote and likens it to a station, outpost or base camp in Tibet. The target reminds him of an observatory built into a mountain like the target in Mexico (Mount Popōcatepētl), the land feels bare, empty. The manmade has a matte grey look, maybe metallic, on a height, on land but elevated, it feels abandoned and isolated not in use.
When I set out to task this project to the team, I was undecided with regards to whether Tesla has developed a way to harness the readily available, free cosmic energies to operate motive devices. On one hand he said so, and written accounts supported his claims. And I knew he was a genius, a prolific inventor. On the other hand, I thought that the intensifying race against global warming and our growing scientific understanding of the universe would surely have already prompted researchers to dive deeper into Tesla’s work on free radiant energy, had they seen any validity to his theories. My own preliminary research did not yield convincing proof neither for nor against Tesla’s claims. After analyzing the data of 21 remote viewing sessions, I am still not convinced either pro or contra. Much of the remote viewing data matched conceptual, theoretical and circumstantial aspects of the Jebens memorandum and the Tesla patent. However, the lack of strong data point indicating a car type vehicle, and the split data on the second target (where 2 viewers report radiant energetics, but 3 viewers have data signaling more conventional engine setup) leave the case open to further investigation…
The full sessions are available here: