Those Rocks

Those Rocks is a remote viewing project, that is the collaboration of 6 remote viewers, Jemma, Malgorzata, Chris, John, John, Patrick and myself as project manager, exploring the origins of what seem to be natural rock formations near House Rock by the North Ray crater in the Descartes highlands of the Moon, visited by astronauts John Young and Charles Duke on the 23rd of April, 1972 as part of the Apollo 16 mission’s 3rd extravehicular activity (EVA).

Astronaut John Young with the targeted formations behind

The target site is part of what was station 11 of the Apollo 16 mission, where the astronauts gathered samples and performed 500-millimeter and panoramic photography.

Apollo 16 Traverse Map

NASA’s main objective of the Apollo 16 mission was to investigate the lunar surface in the Descartes highlands area because it was considered representative of much of the Moon’s surface, and an area of this type had not been previously visited.

From the footage of the lunar tv it appears that astronauts estimated that samples 67455 and 67475 taken at station 11 (our target site) appeared to be very friable, white polymictic feldspathic breccia which is also confirmed by official NASA sample documentation.

But we would not make a remote viewing project to figure out the composition of some lunar rock samples, right? Well, those that know me know I actually would :D. BUT in this case my reason for tasking the team with a bunch of what look like boulders came from a different inspiration. Almost exactly a year ago I came across a project titled Shipwreck, in which 5 operational remote viewers (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Echo and Foxtrot) were tasked with remote viewing the above-mentioned formations at the time they were most intact.

Besides rejoicing at the opportunity of watching 5 operational sessions in their entirety, taped from beginning to end, I also got curious as the title suggested manmade origins for those “rocks”. I was a bit taken aback by the data presented in those sessions, but ever since having read Penetration from Ingo Swann, I sort of knew to expect the unexpected when it comes to our celestial companion, the Moon. I searched the internet and found blow-ups of the original Apollo 16 footage, and I must admit, from closer-up, there were some oddly manmade looking planar and rectangular features to those rocks that raised my eyebrows.

So, when contemplating the next target after the Phobos II mission, this target seemed like an obvious choice: it has some feedback, it has remote viewing antecedents, and it has a big question mark hanging over it. Are those rocks or not?

Under TRN 6959-8843 I tasked one of the formations as shown below: Target is the unknown marked with red circle on the footage

The directive given to the viewers was to describe the unknown at the time when it was in its most intact form, the declared objective of the tasking was to determine whether unknowns is a natural formation, is of manmade origin or anything not listed there as an alternative.

Jemma in her session for target 6959-8843 gets descriptors, such as linear, hard, robust, strong, dense material, solid with flat parts and some parts that appear smooth, glossy or glassy. Her descriptors fit with what we know of the target at its current state via photographic evidence and sample composition analysis, her noting that the target appears glossy or glassy, with dark colors like brown, bile and grey is also correct, since samples 67455 and 67475 taken at station 11 were identified as friable, white polymictic feldspathic breccia containing black impact glass spherules embedded in a dark glassy matrix.

Photomicrograph of sample 67455

The first unexpected piece of information comes when she writes the structure she is viewing seems to have an inside or several inside parts with technological smells in those inside parts and then goes on to noting some unusual tasting material in fluid/liquid state being present at target, together with some fast, clicking, tapping noises and also artificial up and down movements. She gets the impression of energetic waves too being involved with the target and notes down a busy feel. Her AI at that point is a feel of secrecy and top secret, some of her intriguing AOL-s in this part of the session are occupational hazard, technological feel, corridors, and buildings. She picks up on biologicals with what appear to be flashlights involved in an investigative, search type of activity. She also notes down a feel of being blocked on part of the target, and a feel that some type of official building is connected to the target she is viewing. The target formation she likens to a shaft or an entrance underground.

Biological with flashlight engaged in a search-investigative activity near a shaft or entrance-like structure.

After a short break she returns to the session noting down exactly two biologicals walking around what appears to be a rather large cylindrical structure.

She notes an impression that there seems to be several structures present at the target site, which, when looked at from above reminds her of a smaller city or a business park. She probes the main biological whom she describes as male, tall, large in stature, older with a beard, with a scientist-physicist vibe to him. In her stage 4 matrix, Jemma lists sensory and dimensional data such as dry, hard, arid, desolate, instable, metallic tasting, large, intricate, complex, heavy, segmented (all this data fits well with what we know of the target), biologicals focused, concentrating, problem solving, tangibles such as curvature, heights, and a feel she can move things around (maybe alluding to lower than usual gravity?).

One logical explanation for parts of Jemma’s session data would be that she was picking upon the two astronauts, Charles Duke and Neil Young as they were collecting rock samples at station 11 of the Apollo 16 Eva 3. That would explain her picking up two biologicals walking around a large structure, the impression of biologicals with what appear to be flashlights involved in an investigative, search type of activity, focused, concentrating, problem solving and her impressions of the clicking, tapping, working sounds, the technological feel and the involvement of energetics.

Astronaut Charles M. Duke examines closely the surface of a large boulder at North Ray crater during the third Apollo 16 extravehicular activity EVA-3
(NASA id: as16-116-18649)
Astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr., Apollo 16 lunar module pilot, stands at a big rock adjacent south to the huge ”House Rock” (NASA id: as16-116-18653)

Both Young (aged 42 at the time) and Duke (aged 37 at the time) held a degree in Aeronautics and where busy collecting and documenting samples and taking photographs.

Apollo 16 – Lunar EVA 3 from Rover TV – Part 1

Astronauts used rakes, scoops, tongs, hammers core tubes and also an electric drill to collect soil and rock samples, which might explain Jemma picking up laborious clicking, tapping and zigzagged sounds. However, some data cannot be explained by what we know of the target, such as the unusual tasting material in fluid/liquid form present at site, her impressions that the structures at target site have hollow or inside parts and her noting down that her overall feel at the target site is as if there were several structures present, which, when looked at from above reminds her of a smaller city or a business park. Are these perceptions indicators that in its most intact form the target formation was part of a manmade structure? By continuing with the analysis, we will try to shed light on this question.

Malgorzata in her session for target 6959-8843 gets biological, structure, manmade and energetic gestalts. Her descriptors for the structure include perceptions such as multiple, hard, cold, large, oval, pointy upward, old, dusty, with brown and sandy colors, which are verifiable and feedbackable aspects of the current state of the target formation. Just like Jemma, Malgorzata also picks up on a dump, wet smell as if indicating water or humidity is or at one point was present near targeted formation. She has AOL-s such as fractured remains, tall columns or pillars, buildings with no roof over them (in the original Shipwreck project viewer Alpha describes their impressions of the site exactly the same way: like a bunch of adjoining structures, scattered roofless ruins, like Pompei today) and a sense of destruction, where the structure becomes ruins or remains.

In her session she moves on to describe her energetic gestalt, which she declares as bright, swift, egg-shaped, shardy, vibrating, shaking, powerful, going from silent to loud, very hot, great with multiple colors the most prominent of which is a pearl hue. She notes a feeling as if the unknown that she is picking up as powerful energetics is controlled or operated in some way.

Although not declared among the descriptors, she draws the source of the energetics as an airborne, something above, up in the “air” (figuratively speaking, since the Moon has a very scant atmosphere at present) and notates her drawing with a wavy line downward indicating either energetics or motion downward, a sphere of energetics near ground level labeled as vibrating, shaking, which she declares as an explosion event.

Malgorzata’s data and drawings on the energetic gestalt certainly indicate an impact event, and while a great part of the data can be interpreted as a meteorite impact event, her noting that she felt as if the airborne was controlled or operated gives rise to the question if the impact event at target location was the result of some intelligent planning and design, with manmade involvement.

Samples 67455 and 67475 taken at station 11 were put through thorough petrologic investigation on Earth. Minkin, J. A., Thompson, C. L., Chao, E. C. T. from Harvard gave a presentation of their analysis of those samples at the Lunar Science Conference held in Houston, Texas between March 14-18, 1977 (the paper report appeared in the Conference Proceedings Volume 2. (A78-41551 18-91) published in New York by Pergamon Press, Inc. the same year Link:….8.1967M).

In their report they state that “The Apollo 16 samples 67455 and 67475 from a white boulder seems to be an ejecta block that represents a major lithology of the ejecta stratigraphic section penetrated by the North Ray cratering event. The characteristics of 67455, a polymict white feldspathic impact ejecta breccia, might possibly indicate that this and other samples from near the North Ray Crater rim come from a different source area or at least a different part of the same source area than do other Apollo 16 light matrix breccias. Sample 67475 is an impact melt probably produced by the same event that produced 67455. The transport of this assemblage and the relation of the white boulder to ejecta from the Nectaris event are considered.

Translating this to ordinary human terms, scientists speculate that something did indeed impact on the lunar surface and created what is now known as the North Ray crater, and the pearl-hued samples 67455 and 67475 taken from the boulders at station 11 indicate that one of those boulders is material that have been ejected from the impact site as the result of the impact and the other is an impact melt from the North Ray cratering event.

Due to the specific composition of these 2 samples showing no similarity to other boulder samples picked up on the Apollo 16 mission, but rather showing similarity to samples originating from the Mare Nectaris region (a small lunar mare or sea, a volcanic lava plain noticeably darker than the rest of the Moon’s surface located south of Mare Tranquillitatis southwest of Mare Fecunditatis, on the near side of the moon) also speculate that there is a link between the North Ray cratering event and the Mare Nectaris cratering event. The two impact sites are considerably close for this to be the case.

Apollo 16 landing site and Mare Nectaris in relative close proximity

So Malgorzata’s impressions of a major impact event being involved with the targeted formations is verified by scientists, the question is thus not whether something impacted at target site but rather what it was.

Chris also picks up on biological and structure as main gestalts present at the site, and gives descriptors such as isolated, mapped, surveyed, tooling, ground, hard, compacted, and AOL-s treasure hunt and dirt/earth. His impressions of hot and wild seem to be related to the impact event Malgorzata was describing, while the rest of his session appears to be mainly relaying information about the astronauts at the target site fulfilling their duties as part of EVA 3, tooling the ground and rocks for samples, surveying, “mapping” the lunar terrain so to speak. From his descriptors one would derive the conclusion that the targeted formation at its most intact form was simply a boulder, however one of his sketches throws us a curveball, as it portrays what appears to be boulders of cubical rocks arranged in a pyramidal shape.

John (Adams) declares his main gestalt as energetic, with two eye-catching AOLs right off the bat, that of a mountain and that of falling. His session includes descriptors such as round, radiant, sparkly, colorful stalagmites, prism, flux, magnetism, pulsing energetics, which certainly tie into data presented by Malgorzata and Chris with regards to the possible energetic component of the target. His descriptors and drawings of something sparkly, snowflake-like, like a jewel remind us of the sparkly crystalline structure of the impact melt breccia (sample 67475).

In a drawing which he labels with the AOL snooker, he also draws what seems like a pointed rounded airborne in fast motion, very similar in theme to one of the drawings of Malgorzata, describing an impact event.

John also picks up on biologicals being in jeopardy, in shock, upset, fleeing, and an intense presence of sonic stimuli (which he describes as an inter-dimensional mystery sound, like the sound of angels, music playing) at site.

John (Dixon) did two sessions on target nr. 6959-8843. In his first session he cuts to the chase promptly, he immediately declares a sandy porous land with AOL Mars/Moon, and a structure with AOL crater. His first descriptors show great target contact, he lists impressions such as hard, orangish, gunmetal-like-grey, iceberg-like, mountain, layered soil, deep, grooved, speckled, sturdy but rickety, brown and grey, rectangular with somewhat smooth edges, pedestals-like and a chemical smell present. His AOL is a refill of a hole and a landing area.

Panorama of North Ray Crater from the south rim. House Rock is at right edge.

His impressions of a rectangular with somewhat smooth edges, and pedestals-like shape reminds us of the most important question of the tasking is the target formation of natural or manmade origin.

One can almost tell the same question is probably in his mind too, as he makes his [Move 130 feet above the structure and describe] command to try and get a hold on the structure he is focused on.

From his drawing we can see the ragged terrain, the hole of the North Ray crater appearing on the left field, and a slanting, angular, pedestaled formation with a ridge across its center appearing as the central shape. His impressions after his move command are droopy, melting, metallic-like look, rectangular, roundish, and ashy. While melting metallic and ashy certainly reverberate the data we previously had of a possible impact event, in the next drawing we see data that correlates to Jemma’s earlier data where she noted two biologicals walking around a tall, cylindrical structure and that of Malgorzata, where she had ruins of what appeared to be columns or pillars standing.

Here we have another “pillar” standing. His descriptors after the break are round, long, tall, and energetic also indicate a pillar standing. He then in awe notes down the AOL “planet Earth, looking down.”

The North Ray crater is on the near side of the Moon and Earth rise is a regular occurrence there, as captured by the Apollo 16 team on their last day before returning to the command module.

AS16-113-18289 – Apollo 16 – Apollo 16 Mission image – Earth rises over the lunar horizon

He again makes a move to sketch, this drawing gives us the site with the targeted boulders emphasized, a rough but otherwise flat terrain and a circular/oval formation on the land that we assume to be the reiteration of the North Ray crater. Upon paying close attention, a droopy, tilted over long rectangular shape is also depicted.

His descriptors moving, flange, quirky, devastated also reinforce the notion of some form of destructive impact event.

Before entering stage 4 he sketches two drawings, one of which contains the depiction of large size cuboid boulders arranged in a stair-step pyramidal formation (like the drawing Chris made) and what appears to be a rounded airborne formation depicted as being in fast motion close to or getting close to the base surface below.

His stage 4 data contains impressions of a rough terrain, a hole, gravel and rock, a doomy event, something fierce, warm and blotting, a feel of emergency and evacuation, something underneath being under pressure, mineral stones or mineral rocks, the process of melting and diamond creation. John’s stage 4 data implies that whatever the target is, is related to somehow an emergency event involving a hole being dug in the terrain, pressure, heat, blotting, melting and processes is mineral creation, which are in alignment with the findings of the petrologic investigation of the samples 67455 and 67475 by Minkin, J. A., Thompson, C. L., Chao, E. C. T. from Harvard. He even draws what looks like a crater and boulders splintering apart at the rim and what seems like a depiction of a meteor impact.

We note that on both drawings obviously manmade airborne objects are also depicted, one is more akin to a saucer shape, the other one is more like a rocket, alluding to the possibility of something manmade involved in the impact event, as the idea was raised in Malgorzata’s session too.

One possible explanation for the reoccurrence of viewers picking up on an airborne manmade being involved and an impact event can be a result of the tasking itself. The target was tasked in a way that allowed the viewer to thread through the target: they were given a verifiable piece of data as anchor point to the targeted formation (a photo taken by the astronauts of the Apollo 16 mission) but were given the directive to move to when the targeted formation was most intact. So, in essence the viewers were asked to time jump in session from the relatively close past (1972) back in time possibly quite a bit, as the samples were dated to be at least 300 million years old. In essence picking up a manmade orbiting the lunar surface might be the Apollo 16 command and service module (note how from side it looks like a rocket, from to view it looks like a typical saucer).

Apollo 16 command and service module – top view
Apollo 16 command and service module – side view

The other explanation is that there actually was intelligent planning and design and one or several manmades involved in a destructive impact event that created the North Ray crater and resulted in our targeted formations to be where they are now and to look what they look like today.

In his second session, John (Dixon) notes down land as his main gestalt, which he proceeds to describe as crumbly, hard, dusty, filthy, yellowish, orange, grey, glowing, hot, warm, and circular. The next string of descriptors relates to a structure which he declares as new gestalt in stage 2 and goes on two describe as compound, dense looking, metallic-like with bar-like elements in a woven, crisscross formation. The drawing alludes to the structure being of manmade and not natural origin and again draws an aerial depicting a rounded oval object in motion above a base surface.

After a longer session break, upon retaking the coordinates again, he declares a structure as his main gestalt, describing it as black, rough, pokey, globby, flashy, hard, “absolute”, clammy, cold, with a blunt texture and dungeon-like with “silicone-like” walls. (Analyst sidenote: since John put “silicone-like” in quotation marks, I checked the material composition of the samples, they contain olivine and feldspar in high quantities, the first is a magnesium-iron silicate, the second is an alumino-silicate commonly found in both the Earth’s and the Moon’s crust. So he might have meant silicate. This also explains why many of the viewers often reference the material of the target formation as molten metallic and metallic, not molten rocky or rocky.) He picks up a rocky, hard, loopy, round, circular, enclosed formation with underground elements.

The structure John describes here is akin to the structure that viewer Foxtrot draws and describes in his session for the original Shipwreck project, a round, big, dark, hollow, buried, naturally hidden inactive structure with tunnel-like parts below ground, serving research, studying and work functions.

His next impressions are something going from hot to warm to cool (a cooling process potentially), a rumbling noise, linear shapes becoming currgulated (crusted) and a softly running, curving metallic material that is not hard yet and that has yellowish and indigo tinges. Then he picks up a bright energy-motion coming up from below behind him, drawn shooting from what looks like a long tight tubular shape (an underground cavern or impact hole maybe), and then again a round, tight, hole-like formation on the base surface.

Patrick also did two sessions on target 6959 8843. In his first session the main gestalts are biological with a hint of manmade. His stage 2 descriptors include something black, red, soft, silky, oily, centered, cloudy, smudged, wavy, rolling, curved, liquid, blurry, paste like, dim, hazy, reflective. He continues describing some bubbly like surface, reflective with a molten look, a flat land with slightly bumpy raised parts, again a feel of a bubbly surface, like when paint burns or melts, a liquid, black angular object with bubbles and oily texture, a sense of being outside, in the dark, in a glowing misty ambiance.

Hot molten rock flowing on a rough, burnt terrain after an impact event, maybe? 

He also picks upon an angular, boxy, smooth, reflective, polished, engraved manmade that has a tilted (or droopy as John Dixon called it) feel and very defined edges. In his second session, his main gestalt is a manmade ideogram. He describes the manmade as angled, edgy, flat, vertical, rectangular, long, with some nebulous hues on it or near it, having a sheen to it and a feel of it being polished, reflective, rectangular and “bordered”. In his drawing he emphasizes the blocky, rectangular shapes and the vertical ridges seen on the target.

In his last session he also puts an emphasis on the elusive feel he gets from the target, something hard to pin down. We agree, the remote viewing data so far is non-decisive. Some recurring shapes and descriptors give rise to the possibility of the targeted formation being linkable to something of manmade origins, but an equal amount of data is also presented that point toward potentially natural origins.

After the viewers have submitted their sessions and have gotten feedback on the original 6959 8843 target, we all moved on to viewing and prepping for the upcoming projects and I started the analysis, assembling the data we gathered so far. At this point it seemed that overall, the sessions are non-decisive with regards to answering the original question: are those boulders natural formations or of manmade origin? Maybe my target was not cued properly? To try and eliminate erroneous tasking as a cause for non-conclusive remote viewing data I reformulated the task under the target reference number 1143-2965 and I sent the coordinates to each of the original project viewers, pretending that I was asking them to view one of the preliminary targets for the upcoming 8429 project, to which 4 target coordinates have already been in circulation.

This time the target was cued as follows: Describe and sketch the target area of the moonwalk of astronauts John Young and Charlie Duke at station 11 near House Rock on their EVA-3 spacewalk of the Apollo 16 moon mission on April 23, 1972, focusing on describing and sketching the original shape and form of the unknowns behind John Young.

For her session on target 1143-2965 Jemma declared a landscape as her gestalt, which she describes as hard, dry rocky, indented, smooth, with some parts feeling flat and some areas more indented, and she picks up yellowish brown, green, tan and overall natural type colors and natural, somewhat woody tastes. Her AOL at this point is the Mariana trench and her descriptors match nicely with what we know of the target site area.

Like John Adams did in his session for the original target, Jemma also pick up on an interesting sonic phenomenon which she describes as an unusual high-pitched humming, rustling sound. (Just a reminder: John described the sound as an inter-dimensional mystery sound, like the sound of angels, music playing). We have found several footage that verifies that since the Apollo 10 mission, several astronauts have admitted to having heard strange, music-like pitchy, whoosy sounds in space, when orbiting above the far side of the Moon in the command modules. According to the official theory, the source of the strange sound phenomena is thought to be radio signal interference between two spacecrafts.  

Jemma’s next impression is that of a wavy descending motion, as if things are falling from above and her AOL is a meteor. After retaking the coordinates, she declares a natural structure as her main gestalt, with a side note of an impression something being quick about the natural structure. Her following descriptors are turbulent, shaking movements and rushing sounds, and an impression that the natural structure is high up. She declares stress, tension and danger as AI, and upheaval, unforeseen circumstances, leaving, migrating and destruction as EI-s.

She draws what looks like shardy, irregular objects falling toward a base surface, and notes down that something feels very hot at the target. Her AOLs at this point are brimstone and volcano. Similarly to her first session, she again notes that on the base surface she picks up structures that remind her of dwellings (huts and yurts) and a settlement.

She then goes on to draw a semi-regular shaped peaky structure on a base surface, which she likens to a natural mound risen from the ground.

She progresses with describing a scene of great destruction, a catastrophic event which results in everything around the target site becoming, burnt, blackened, dead and desolate. Just as Malgorzata did in her original session, Jemma also takes note of the sky brightening up, a big flash and a huge explosion. In her stage 4 matrix, she describes something that is lumpy, bristly, smokey, sizzling, crackling, large, vast, expansive, falling downward with the AOLs burning. Her tangibles in this section are heat and hot liquid, her most prominent conceptual is that of danger with additional AOL/S-es of melting and apocalypse. In her session summary, she declares that a landscape and a natural structure associated to a negative event are the central aspects of the target, but she also emphasizes that the target area feels like it was inhabitable (see data on settlements) but is no longer, there was life at target site but is now gone.

In his session on target 1143-2965, Chris notes down impressions such as space, empty, dense, wet, humid, damp, effervescent and bitter, solid with depressions, and has an AOL of a rock fossil. His descriptors fit the natural scenario (molten rock as a result of some impact), but again his drawings depicting a rounded rectangular tall structure with hollow depressions, a shell-looking shape and a hinged shape hint at the possibility of manmade structures present at target site.

The first drawing is akin to a drawing that viewer Charlie produced in their session for the original Shipwreck project, of which Charlie noted that the rough, sandy, rocky structure is made to look like it is of natural origin, but is in fact hollowed out, modified for practical use and the hollowed-out spaces inside serve like reservoirs or lumber rooms. Jemma in her first session also took note of the fact that the main structure she is viewing seems to have an inside or several inside parts. Chris’ depiction of a shell shows visual similarity to a structure described by John Dixon, a shell-shaped rocky, hard, loopy, round, circular, enclosed formation with underground elements.

In his session on target 1143-2965, John (Adams) declares a motion gestalt first, and lists his first impressions on the target, such as a sense of curvature high up, a feel of weightlessness, coolness and emptiness, a floating motion and a drop, natural, tame, brown, dark, grey and muted colors, granular and bristly textures.

His next impressions are of an oval shaped airborne object becoming disjointed, possibly jolting above a rocky flat terrain, a sense of flooding, warming, something forged, hazy, foggy, stretching along and filling up, which is very similar to the impact scenario picked up by all viewers

His impressions of the airborne structure that is getting disjointed is that it is technical, winged, tailored, buzzing, designed with a related sense of travel, with AOL-s time machine, time-capsule (the same time-capsule AOL has also popped up in one of John Dixon’s sessions), a gold-metallic structure.

This object is akin to a drawing that both viewer Alpha and Charlie produced in their sessions for the original Shipwreck project, of which Charlie noted that the object is cigar shaped, moving, and is emitting what seems like sonar sounds and which fulfills roving, canvassing and reconnaissance functions, viewer Alpha likened it to an engine pod.

In his session on target 1143-2965 John (Dixon) declares energetics as his main gestalt, then notes down his first impressions of a horse-shoe like shape, smaller circular shapes and a feel of splitting apart. His main impressions after that are something sinking, tilting, and a rapid swirling. His drawings are very similar to one of Malgorzata’s drawing, the one that she labeled as an explosion.

He also describes a blobby, round, intriguing shaped structure above base surface and goes on to elaborately draw an image depicting what seems like several orbits two of which show a collision course that he lables as “incorrect way of passages”. Could there have been some orbital collision up above the base surface that caused the splitting apart (or the getting disjointed) of the structure, which then showered down on the surface as debris depicted by Jemma and in one of his earlier sessions, John himself?

In his session on target 1143-2965 Patrick declares biological, energetic, and manmade ideograms and lists impressions such as dark, black, red, dim, light, smooth, reflective, shiny, hard, angular, rocky, irregular, blotchy, red, glowing, open, outside. Ha correctly AOLs target as Apollo Target, and notes down his AI as a feel of familiarity with the target, red and black colors and a feel of a manmade near land. He describes the base surface as a remote, desolate and dry landscape, a beige, brown, irregular, gritty, sandy, rocky, rough land with an open perspective, a bumpy, hard, warm, barren base surface with no foliage, and a dry desert-like feel to it.

Next Patrick picks upon a wavy across energetics, and a long, slick, big, metallic, curved, oval, angular dark manmade beveled at the sides, in fast motion close to land, just above land, almost skimming the base surface in what feels like an evasive action. He AOLs the manmade as a craft and draws impressions like earlier impressions of Malgorzata, John (Dixon) and John (Adams).

When moving to the cause of the evasive action, Patrick starts to get space/air feel, a hovering motion higher up this time, and a bright, hazy atmosphere. In a timeline exercise he attempts to sequence his impressions and concludes that the manmade was taking evasive action to avoid something and impacts with land. From the inside of the manmade he picks up advanced complex technology and biologicals.

With the full extent of our remote data and possible alternative points of views presented, the jury is out: we invite each of our readers to make their own decision with regards to the nature and origin of the rock(?) formations photographed by the Apollo 16 astronauts near House Rock on the lunar surface.

For a brief overview of the project findings we created a summary video including a chat with the remote viewers who worked the target and we also publish the complete, unabridged version of the remote viewing sessions.

The sessions:

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  1. Fascinating. I will have to return and read the individual sessions. A nitpick perhaps but I think the circle around the target “rock” should be smaller and not include surrounding debris. I have seen circled targets before that include peripheral items and wonder if that impacts the results.

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